1. Qualified and Interested tenderers may obtain further information during office hours on Monday to Friday
08.00hrs and 17.00hrs except on Public Holidays from Procurement Directors office situated at:
KEMSA, National Supply Chain Centre,
Office Block, Embakasi Off Airport North Road,
P.O Box 47715-00100, Nairobi
Tel No:+254111035800
Email: procurement.programs@kemsa.go.ke
2. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded free of charge from the website: http:/www.kemsa.
go.ke/tenders and PPIP Portal: tenders.go.ke. Tender Documents obtained electronically will be free of
3. Tenderers must register their bid documents at the Procurement Office or via email at procurement.programs@kemsa.go.ke (Refer to registration form in the tender document) to facilitate any further clarification or addendum.
4. The tenderers shall chronologically serialize and paginate all pages of the tender document submitted.
5. The bid documents must be deposited in the Tender Box No.2 marked Global Fund at the reception on the
Ground floor- Office Block, KEMSA, National Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road, Nairobi on
or before the dates indicated in the table above.
6. Bulky tenders can be handed over to KEMSA Procurement Director’s office for registration and safekeeping till
the tender opening date.
7. Tender documents will be opened immediately after closure of the tender at the KEMSA Tender Opening Hall
located at Ground floor- Office Block, KEMSA, National Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road,
Nairobi in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who may choose to attend.
8. Late bids shall be rejected and returned unopened.
9. There will be a Pre bid conference at KEMSA’s Tender Opening Hall, Office Block -Ground Floor, National
Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road, Nairobi, Kenya on 11th March, 2025 at 10:00am
1. Qualified and Interested tenderers may obtain further information during office hours on Monday to Friday
08.00hrs and 17.00hrs except on Public Holidays from Procurement Directors office situated at:
KEMSA, National Supply Chain Centre,
Office Block, Embakasi Off Airport North Road,
P.O Box 47715-00100, Nairobi
Tel No:+254111035800
Email: procurement.programs@kemsa.go.ke
2. Tender documents may be viewed and downloaded free of charge from the website: http:/www.kemsa.
go.ke/tenders and PPIP Portal: tenders.go.ke. Tender Documents obtained electronically will be free of
3. Tenderers must register their bid documents at the Procurement Office or via email at procurement.programs@kemsa.go.ke (Refer to registration form in the tender document) to facilitate any further clarification or addendum.
4. The tenderers shall chronologically serialize and paginate all pages of the tender document submitted.
5. The bid documents must be deposited in the Tender Box No.2 marked Global Fund at the reception on the
Ground floor- Office Block, KEMSA, National Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road, Nairobi on
or before the dates indicated in the table above.
6. Bulky tenders can be handed over to KEMSA Procurement Director’s office for registration and safekeeping till
the tender opening date.
7. Tender documents will be opened immediately after closure of the tender at the KEMSA Tender Opening Hall
located at Ground floor- Office Block, KEMSA, National Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road,
Nairobi in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who may choose to attend.
8. Late bids shall be rejected and returned unopened.
9. There will be a Pre bid conference at KEMSA’s Tender Opening Hall, Office Block -Ground Floor, National
Supply Chain Centre, Embakasi Off Airport North Road, Nairobi, Kenya on 11th March, 2025 at 10:00am